Gumption x WISHI
Have you ever WISHed to have customized and stylized lewks sent directly to your inbox? Well children, allow me to introduce you to the future of fashion itself, WISHI.
we likey the
Founded by two fabulous women, Lia Kislev and Clea O’Hana, along with the recent addition of a true fashion juggernaut, the WISHI is an app that gives you every aspect and advantage of having your own personal stylist.
Desperately seeking a new lewk for your cousin’s upcoming wedding? Want to find the perfect pair of heels to match a certain dress in your closet? Or maybe you’re wanting a fun and fresh season update! Whatever the sartorial situation, the WISHI has got you covered.
And here’s how it works…
First things first, you download the super sleek WISHI app from the App Store, sign up for your account, And then the fun begins!! After we decide which package we want (we’ll get into that in a bit) we then fill out a super short, yet highly informative questionnaire about yourself and your style preferences, color preferability, and sizes. From there you are matched with a personal stylist and BAZINGA! It’s legit that easy*
* And if you would prefer someone different than who you are automatically matched with, the app will let you search additional stylists,
which leads me to my next point…
I’m a stylist for the wishi!!!
Yes kids, tis true. I am out of my mind excited to be a part of this groundbreaking fashion endeavour created by such smart, creative and talented women. Together I think we are all going to truly make such PHENOMENAL magic!!!
Ok, so now that we have our celebratory cartwheels out of the way, let’s continue on our little how-to journey shall we?
Once you have selected your stylist (YAY ME!!!!), we can get down to the business of our chic fashion collaboration!
There are many parts to this interaction that I love, but I think I have to say that the chat feature is the absolute numero uno. For me the stylist, it is such a fantastic avenue to collect your personal style file and get to know what and who you are. From the brass tax items like, ‘I don’t wear sleeveless’ or setting your budget, to the juicy info nuggets like ‘not to brag, but my eyes really sparkle when I wear jade earrings’, this is where the ground work to our success is laid.
Example of a Mood Board I created for a client with vibrant & eccentric taste who was looking for fun new additions to her already illustrious wardrobe. (Mood Board created using the WISHI)
Once I gather these informative couture morsels about you, I create your Mood Board. I equate the Mood Board to when a conductor taps her wand on the music stand before the symphony’s first opus. Like, ok we’ve tuned up, we’ve gotten to each other a little bit, I know that you consider Squash-blossom turquoise pieces to be icons of divinity, and now, now I am ready to show you what I have learned from you about you.
Using colors, stand out pieces and images I have in my noggin that I am now associating with your vibe, I create a sort of color pallet spirit journey for our time together. Once you receive it, you can tell me just how you feel about it as the app allows you to break apart the multiple images and select which you love and which you love a little less. I’m sure you are getting this by now, but the app puts you, the Client in the driver’s seat. Which is exactly where you belong.
Ok, so WISHI Session checklist time.
We’ve fallen in love with each other? CHECK. You loved your personally customized Mood Board? CHECK. You want to name your new beta fish after me?? Hold up Sis, let’s wait on that for a bit so we can get to the creation of your first lewk!!
Now, depending on the package you choose (oh yes love bugs, there are more than one available! Either The WISHI Mini package includes Mood Board and two full lewks, while the WISHI Major includes Mood Board and five full lewks), you can truly make this into whatever kind of situation you want. Now, I know you’re thinking,
‘Reed, you totally remind me of a 90’s Drew Carey and you sound just like Celine Dion when you sing in the car, but imma need you to be more specific’.
Well ok then, allow me to take you through a recent booking I had with a fabulous woman who we will be calling Celine… for obvious reasons. Celine is 34, identifies as female, has a fuller chest and loves to show off her killer gams cause hello the lawd gave her legs three feet long and I’ll be damned if we aren’t going to show those suckers off (hi, my name is Reed, and I get really excited about fashion. You can run away now). She is also going to visit her best friend Dion (you know you love it) who lives in London for a week and wants some truly killer lewks to take with her. And so, I take all of the information our time together has afforded me, and create her first lewk.
Celine’s first lewk I created using the tools of both her style and the brilliance that is the .
lewk 1 - gams on parade
I chose this title because I think it sounds uber fun when you say it in a British accent. I remember her telling me in our earlier chat that pink and red were her favorite colors (sweet Jaysus SAME), so I decided to pop that color story into the lewk as well!
And then, I waited… for 14 seconds before she commented back that she loved the look! Now, if she hadn’t loved it I would have cried, but also she could have asked to have it revised and in doing so, she could select the items that she wanted to see swapped from an itemized list of the lewk’s contents.
Then in turn I would have churned out something otherworldly and knocked her off her feet regardless of revisions.
And now that we have cleared Lewk 1, it’s time to begin Lewk 2!
However, she has a challenge for me on this one. She wants a lovely black tie evening moment since she will be dining with her friend Geri at the Royal Albert Hall (can you tell I’ve seen Spice World too many times?).
So now… we put our thinking caps on and get to noodling the perfect lewk…
Celine’s second lewk for her Evening Soiree. Styled on the
lewk 2 - her royal chicness
And just like that we’re back with lewk 2!! Although her name is Celine and she’s having dinner with Geri, I just couldn’t escape the Adele factor here it just kept flashing in my face like Hello! I’m such a nerd. But I digress, I wanted her to have a very classically Jane Austen’s Emma meets Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey kinda vibe ya know?
And holy hosiery batman, she loved it!! But that’s not all she did. She bought most of the pieces as well! Because you see, the WISHI isn’t just for you to get inspired for your wardrobe, these pieces can actually be added TO your wardrobe from the itemized list that comes with the lewks!! You just put the items your need into your cart and POOF the job is literally done.
I’ll always cherish the times I digitally spent with Celine. I hope I never forget them, but thankfully I have this article to remind me if I do. And i’ll just be happy that it’s all coming back to me now.
There. I’m done. No more. No mas. FIN.
See, I told you how easy this would be didnt I?
Wanna learn more or even better yet, wanna try it out for yourself?
I thought you might… All you have to do is click the button below and let your journey with the WISHI begin!!!